Drowning in tax season? Here’s your lifeline.
Tax season gets overwhelming.
If you're in it and feeling overwhelmed:
1. Give yourself grace.
It’s happening because you were doing your best with what you knew at the time. If you had known a better way to set it up, you would have done it differently.
2. Give yourself credit.
You set it up this way, and it got you where you are. (Hooray! You have clients, revenue, and an operating firm. You made it through the hardest part—getting it (way) off the ground.) Your current thinking, determination, stubbornness, and courage got you here.
3. Give yourself an opening.
People say, “What got you here won’t get you there.” I say, “What got you here is now standing squarely in the way of getting there.” If you want to move forward, you’ll need to make changes. No changes = same results.
4. Give yourself hope.
You can get out of the overwhelm. The solution is more straightforward than you think. It’s not easy, but it’s doable. The CPAs and EAs who implement the unsexy business fundamentals I talk about get their hours down, prices up, and sanity back.
5. Give yourself patience.
Grind through the next six weeks knowing there’s an end to the stupid hours. Be patient with yourself, knowing that soon, you’ll have the chance to reshape what you’ve built.
6. Give yourself acceptance.
You’re in the rapids now—no sense fighting it. Paddle as efficiently as you can. Try not to freak out, melt down, or flip over. Captain your boat. There are calm waters ahead.
7. Give yourself a commitment.
Decide that on the other side of tax season, you’ll find the resources and support to make the changes you want. Just making this decision can ease some of the frustration, anguish, and exhaustion of the long hours.
8. Bookmark this email.
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Want to start getting out of the grind now (and not wait until after tax season)?
Check out Peak Freedom: a community of solo and small accounting firm owners who want peace and calm without hiring, scaling, grinding, or reducing profit.