Accounting is the Language of Business

Left on the cutting room floor from a previous post, B$ CPA LINGO BINGO is a statement that is mixed into the paint on the walls of accountants' offices:

"Accounting is the language of business." 

It's attributed to Warren Buffet, as he gave advice to a 17-year-old investment intern during a CNBC interview. Buffet counseled the young man to study accounting language because it was the best way to learn how to read financial statements. As with any foreign language, Buffet suggested it takes time to get all the basics down and integrated into one's understanding and usage, but is ultimately a main factor toward success in the business world.

Here's the thing:
Accounting may indeed be the language of business. 

And French may be the language of love.

But speaking French is not what that makes a person a good lover. 

Geraldine Carter