What % of your client's contracts are customized?

If Jack looks at his roster, and sees the following types of industries on there:

  • A med spa

  • Real estate

  • A yoga studio

  • A few law firms

  • A marketing agency

  • Professional services

  • Some local churches

  • That serial entrepreneur

  • A transportation company

  • His friend, who’s a photographer

  • The running shoe store on Main St

  • That non-profit he’s on the board of…

AND the revenue of these companies is in the following bands:

  • $0K - $100K

  • $100K - $300K

  • $300K - $750K

  • $750K - $2M

  • $2M - $5M

  • $5M - $9.9M

  • $10M+

… Jack’s services are necessarily customized. 

And when each offer is customized, it can’t be standardized. 

And when it can’t be standardized, it can’t be optimized. 

And when it can’t be optimized… efficiency suffers. 

When efficiency suffers, hours go up. 

When client type and revenue band is broad, expertise is low. 

When expertise is low, value is low. 

When value is low, prices must necessarily be low. 

Breadth might be interesting, but it drives hours up and prices down…

which leads directly to overworking. 







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Check out Peak Freedom: a community of small firm owners who are pruning and increasing prices to create peace and calm without hiring, scaling, grinding, or reducing profit.

Geraldine Carter