Thought > Belief > Evidence
We like to think we need evidence in order to believe something
We like to think we need evidence in order to think something
but often
we need to believe something
we need to think something
(in the absence of evidence, first)
in order to create the evidence
None of us had evidence for being able to walk
before we could walk
none of us had evidence for being able to ride a bike
before we could ride the bike
We don’t have evidence that
buyers will pay 3x more
until we believe they might
and test it
We don’t have evidence that
that I am caught up
until we think
I’m catching up
and in thinking, take steps to make it so
We don’t have evidence
that we know how to price intangibles
until we assign a price to packages that
reduce stress and increase clarity for the business owner
and they say yes
that we create evidence for knowing how to price intangibles
Not waiting until you have evidence.
Single Strategy Session
Perfect for the person who needs a dose of clarity fast, so they can keep moving.
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