Proposals - How to Time Work?
A great question came in from this webinar on Proposals.
"When paying up front, what if the prospect wants the work done immediately? Accountants are busy, and sometimes clients expect us to drop everything to work on their stuff."
In your Discovery Meeting, make sure you surface information about their desired timeline. They may cite a range for when they would like to get started or have a certain project complete, like 3 months from now, next month, or "yesterday".
Because results are often more valuable when delivered more quickly, your fees can capture the increased value. (Don't do a rush job without getting compensated for it!)
For example, you might adjust project fees by completion date:
Dec 31st: $1000
Nov 15th: $2500
Saturday: $7500
You set the price such that doing the work on each timeline is worth it to you.
Then, let your client weigh their options.