Geraldine Carter

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Picking Who to Work With

Niching can seem risky, or scary:

It may appear as if you will have a smaller pool of prospects to choose from.

It may seem like you are limiting your business.

You may worry that you'll "pick the wrong niche."

Or that you will "miss out."

Or that you won't like your niche.

Or you'll be bored.

But there is a flip side, that is harder to see until you begin the process of niching:

You create and generate efficiencies.

You can do a better job for your clients.

You can create more value for the clients in your niche.

Prices have more room to go up.

It's easier to systematize.

Your business model gets simpler, and more contained.

It's easier to message about your work.

The range of knowledge that you need to stay abreast on becomes more manageable.

You build deep expertise.

You can become an authority.

Business feels less all over the place.

The list goes on.