What are you not getting to?
On a recent call with 50+ accountants and vendors to accountants, the following question was asked:
“What are you not getting around to, that you know you should be?”
All sorts of answers quickly populated the Zoom chat, the most common being:
“Strategic Planning” (There’s no such thing, but anyway it was popular)
Raising prices
Documenting systems
Disengaging clients you know need to be disengaged
There it was.
The trap.
Business owners and accountants busy working, just not on the solutions to “busy working.”
When you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you go Down to 40 Hours:
READ MY BOOK—The client-tested guidance inside my book, Down to 40 Hours, will help you see how to shift your practice to create more value for clients without adding more work so you can get your hours down without reducing revenue.
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TAKE MY COURSE—Lifetime access to 30+ video lessons, bonus training, template letters, website teardowns, and more. Includes a money-back guarantee and a $1000 credit toward my flagship CPA Mastermind program.
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DOWN TO 40 HOURS CPA MASTERMIND—A 16-week small group coaching program to help you make key decisions, accelerate your progress, and get your hours down without letting go of profit or hiring.
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