How Do I Price a Rapidly Growing Client?

TL;DR: Revisit their pricing quarterly.

When bringing on a fast-growing client, their needs will evolve, their transaction volume will increase, and the value they get from working with you will shift.

Give yourself room to be nimble.

Instead of locking in a monthly price for the year, set the expectation from the start that pricing will be revisited quarterly.

Try this script:
"Let’s start at this level, and given how fast you’re growing, we’ll reevaluate quarterly. If your needs change, we can adjust."

If their business is changing fast, your work is changing fast. That’s good for them and you—if pricing keeps up.

Otherwise, you risk being underpriced, which helps no one.



Want more answers like this while implementing on your own? The Down to 40 Hours Video Course gives you the tools, templates, and training to optimize your pricing so you can maintain profits and get your hours down.

Geraldine Carter