Geraldine Carter

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Going up and down on a string

At the climbing wall, I checked in with the tweens and teens, to find out what compels them to go up and down, up and down, up and down, on a string.

C1: “I love every part of it. It’s fun.”

Me: “What’s fun?”

C1: “Falling. The feeling of falling is such a rush.”

C2: “Falling. It's cool! It’s... soooo, floaty.”

C3: “Strong. I just love feeling strong.”

C4: “It’s the best. I’ve been working on the pink route, and I just topped it. I guess, I dunno, I just feel so... accomplished.”

Feeling the rush.

Feeling floaty.

Feeling strong.

Feeling accomplished.

$49/mo, not to go up and down on a string, but for *feelings.*

It may be hard to imagine that accounting and tax can connect up to feelings.

But if rocks bolted to a wall can do it, so can numbers in boxes.


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