Doing it forever
This past weekend,
I got up off the couch, and...
ran up the mountain.
Straight up the face.
0.8 miles.
3100' of vertical.
Without training.
In 58 minutes.
Because I can.
Because I get a high from suffering.
Because I like to see what I'm made of.
So, I ran.
You might think this is nutty.
That any person can just "get up off the couch and run up 3100' vertical without training."
But it's easy for me.
It’s easy for me,
because I've been running forever.
This past weekend,
you might have...
gotten up off the couch and...
churned out a pile of returns.
A bunch. A slew. A stack.
in no time flat.
No time flat, or maybe just a little while,
because you've been doing it forever.
Because you've been doing it forever,
it's easy for you.
You might think it's fun.
You might enjoy a bit of suffering.
(Or, maybe you used to.)
It might be hard for you to see just how many "miles you have in your legs,"
and how all that training has made it possible to plow through a stack of returns when you need to.
A key difference is my bank of-miles aren't worth much in the way of monetization.
But your ability to reference a deep bank of knowledge,
and apply it deftly to your clients' benefit,
can be worth a lot in the way of monetization.
I'm not going to win prize money in a race that doesn't offer prize money.
It was a fundraiser.
If prize money is what I'm after, I need to find races that offer prize money.
Given your talent.
Your expertise.
Your willingness to work for it.
If you're not finding the monetization you're after,
we need to find you a different race.
It might be the one focusing on a more specific Ideal Buyer.
It might be updating your pricing.
It might be updating your packages.
It might be about articulating value.
Consider this…
Given the bank of miles in your tax-knowledge legs,
there's plenty of monetization available.
Want to say goodbye to feeling alone and hello to your people?
Watch this space for a big announcement coming in October…