Geraldine Carter

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But how do I raise prices; I don’t have more hours to work?

This is like going from driving an automatic to driving a stick-shift. 

It’s still a car, but you drive it differently. 

Driving a stick involves a few extra moves

You’ll probably stall a few times. That’s normal. 

You’ll probably buck a few times, causing your passenger to give you the stink-eye. That’s normal. 

Learning to drive stick isn’t that hard, but it is different and takes some getting used to. 

You have to pay attention until it becomes, well, automatic.


Once you learn, you’ll have more control over the engine. 

Instead of driving feeling mushy, it’ll feel precise. 

When you learn to drive with the equivalent of “stick-shift-pricing,” you’ll have more precise control over your revenue and your business. 

Here’s one move you need to learn:

Create a bronze silver gold for one product, like a standalone 1040 or basic monthly accounting for a $100K client.

Keep the work itself (mostly) constant.

Increase the quality of the experience.

Make the quality of:

  • bronze, bare-bones 

  • silver, perfectly suitable

  • gold, great or even concierge

Offer these three options (which all get the job done)

To one client

Let her choose the quality of service she desires

This is one way to add more revenue without adding a commensurate amount of work. 

Once you can add more revenue without adding much more work, it feels easier to prune a few of those “all-over-the-place” clients.

PS – Avoid the temptation to add work to justify increased prices.

Prefer doing things alone to start? Here are two ways to get started going Down to 40 Hours:

READ MY BOOK—The client-tested guidance inside my book, Down to 40 Hours, will help you see how to shift your practice to create more value for clients without adding more work so you can get your hours down without reducing revenue. 
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